Florian Rieger

Data Analyst & Electrical Engineer


Wind & Software
2016 – Present

Polytech GmbH

Data Analyst

Munich, GER

Technical Lead in the digital area for the product ice detection (> 250 plants): Supervision of prototypical algorithm development, implementation of the final product incl. testing, and deployment on Cloud and Edge. Milestone and resource planning as well as communication with management, POs and other stakeholders.

Furthermore: Analyzing Big Data from the wind power sector, deriving physical relationships, developing algorithms to increase the efficiency of wind turbines, implementing the algorithms in the product, realizing unit and integration tests, migrating to the cloud (AWS) for visualization in dashboards.

2015 – 2016

fos4X GmbH

Working Student Analytical Software & Models

Munich, GER

Activity in the area of Analytical Software & Models for 20 hours a week in addition to my studies; algorithm development and data analysis using Python, NumPy & pandas for the application area wind power.


Engineering & IT
2013 – 2016

Technical University of Munich

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering & Information Technology (Grade: 1.5)

Munich, Germany

Intensification of previous focus as well as focus on the areas of measurement technology and machine learning. Completion of the master's thesis entitled "Evaluation and calibration of a fiber optic ice detection system for wind turbines" with grade 1.0.

2010 – 2013

Technical University of Munich

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering & Information Technology (Grade: 1.9)

Munich, Germany

Focus on control engineering and robotics. Tutor for the programming practical in C. Development of a robot for solving a Rubik's Cube during a student competition.